My photo
Greg Taylor is a digital marketing professional and a music photographer from Tempe, AZ -originally from Warren, NJ. Feel free to email me with any questions regarding my company GRT2 Studios, marketing, photography or music at

Thursday, December 10, 2009

When Is Familiarity Important? Three Part Series - Part THREE

Sometimes there are situations in photography that the moment is instant and spontaneous. Capturing that moment, that feeling and making a great photograph is the only thing that is on your agenda. There is no time to get familiar with the subject or the location. - click or it may be gone.

There are rules to photography. There are rules and there are suggestions. I try to know the rules and suggestions (I am not the most technical photographer I work on instinct with settings etc.) and when it comes time to make a picture - go with what feels right.

Central Ave Boxing Gym is a place I had never been before. I never really knew what a boxing gym looked liked or what it felt like to be in one. (I can tell you now that it's very hot.) I didn't know what the lighting conditions would be like or spacial restrictions. I went and spoke to some people and observed for a couple of moment before shooting anything. This photo was taken from a balcony above the training floor. It was the place that I could get the best exposure and the best composition.

Moments like this are great when you walk into a situation without knowing anything and leave with a photograph that you really like.

The more you know about something the better your end result will be but don't let that limit you. The best way I've found to familiarize yourself with a subject is immersion. Go out and shoot something, then go photograph it again. Measure your progress - keep notes. What do you wish you did differently? Go and repeat. Great photographers are made by shooting photographs.

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